Ce que disent mes clients.
"J'ai entendu beaucoup de gens dire 'je n'ai pas besoin de ce service, je sais ce qui me va' - peut-être l'ai-je dit aussi, mais quatre heures avec Victoria ont été extraordinaires. Elle m'a donné tellement d'informations sur la façon de m'habiller. N'hésitez pas à la consulter !"
— Pasieu Theng - Germany
"Les discussions avec Victoria m'ont aidé à mieux considérer ma morphologie et mes habitudes vestimentaires et elle m'a donné beaucoup de conseils utiles pour être plus à l'aise et en accord avec ma personnalité. J'ai vraiment apprécié l'exercice de 4A."
— Cecile Marchant - France
“Victoria brings out parts of yourself that you thought didn’t exist, or more so, things you secretly had known but never had the courage to confront and say it out loud to yourself in the mirror. Needless to say, it was a one of a kind, an invaluable experience for me.”
— Karen Hsu - Japan
“Thank you for this whole process. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and it’s really making a difference. A number of people have said to me ‘you look beautiful’ and remarked on my outfits (none of which are new, but styled differently) in the last few days… So, you have made a huge difference.”
— Elizabeth A. - Australia
“After 2 pregnancies, and not being a small size in Thailand, I had so much trouble finding clothes that suit my new body. Victoria helped me to have confidence in myself again, accept my new curves, and have an amazing wardrobe.”
— Oriane Denaix - Thailand
“Loved this experience. Victoria helped me to declutter my wardrobe, discover outfits & looks that make me feel great about myself, with some small alterations to existing pieces, I have incorporated a whole load of new possibilities back into my wardrobe. Great fun too! Thank you!“
— Jacqueline Gough-Estone - Thailand
“Victoria is very talented in identifying which colors & cuts suit you and has many fantastic styling tricks to share. I felt so uplifted by this first-time declutter experience and had truly the impression of having a completely new wardrobe!”New List Item
— Anne-Claude Torel - MonPanama, Thailand